Gotta love spring! Look at that sharp dressed man:) He hated wearing it even though he did say he was a sharp dressed man. Nice grin! Love those two boys of mine.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 8:25 PM 11 comments
Addi's Party
For Addi's birthday, she wanted to have a pool party. So we finally found the time when Dad could be home to help out and go. We went to the indoor pool, ate sorbet and cake, opened fun presents and played. She was happy to celebrate her day with her friends.
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Addison Poetry Hiatt turns 10!!!

Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 8:17 PM 1 comments
John Mayer Concert
Here's some pics of the concert. I don't have the greatest camera so this is all I got. Fun and stressful night.
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 6:05 PM 1 comments
John Mayer Concert
Went to Colorado to see John Mayer perform in Denver. We stayed with family in Colorado Springs. They watched the kids while we went to the concert and then we got stranded overnight in Denver away from our kids because all the roads were closed after the concert. Luckily, we have some great friends who live next to Denver, let us crash at their house at 1am. It was a very memorable trip, especially when the keys got locked in the car
the next morning as we were trying to leave. It was probably pretty memorable for my brother and sister-in-law too, who had to deal with a nursing baby all night who wasn't cool with me being gone all night. Thanks so much to them again!! We also had some fun with the cousins and Aunt Melissa at this fun family center. Good Times!!
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 6:02 PM 1 comments
Forgot this one, where we actually saw the hippos out and about for the first time in the 3 years we've gone.
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Just a Reminder
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
We had a great Valentines day together as a family. We made some special treats, had a yummy breakfast and dinner, went to church, and played a game. Here are some pictures of the kids minus Asher, he wouldn't get in the picture. But finally you can see Beckett bigger as he is now 5 months old. Crazy!!! Isn't he the man of your dreams:)?! Love him!
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 8:15 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Beckett at 2 and 3 weeks
Beckett is 2 weeks old in the white and blue outfit and almost 3 weeks (tomorrow) with the binkie in his mouth. Time is already flying. Gotta make the most of it. And a random pic of Asher and Addi. She is getting so big and grown-up.
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 12:53 PM 2 comments
Everyone Loves holding Beckett
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 12:47 PM 0 comments
My Little Man Asher
Asher is so into guns, swords and lightsabers. He has to have this belt on to carry around his gun and lightsaber and any other weapon he can manage to fit into the belt or his pockets, if he has any. It is so funny!! He then gets on his batman mask to finish out the outfit. He even started singing the Star Wars theme song with his lightsaber thrust up into the air. He brings so much fun and humor into our lives. I can't wait until him and Beckett are running around together as action heroes. But then the other day he runs down with one of the girls purse on his arm and had to have it, he wanted to be just like Mom and the girls.
Posted by I am The Blindman and this is my mission at 12:34 PM 0 comments