Went to Colorado to see John Mayer perform in Denver. We stayed with family in Colorado Springs. They watched the kids while we went to the concert and then we got stranded overnight in Denver away from our kids because all the roads were closed after the concert. Luckily, we have some great friends who live next to Denver, let us crash at their house at 1am. It was a very memorable trip, especially when the keys got locked in the car
the next morning as we were trying to leave. It was probably pretty memorable for my brother and sister-in-law too, who had to deal with a nursing baby all night who wasn't cool with me being gone all night. Thanks so much to them again!! We also had some fun with the cousins and Aunt Melissa at this fun family center. Good Times!!
1 year ago
You were there, too? Sweet! Oh, my wife and I just can't get enough of John Mayer's music. Good thing we live here in Denver, Colorado, so we were able to watch his concert last year with no hassle. I'm gonna let you know if he's set to perform again in one of the event centers here.
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